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Lead Funnels

PDF Funnel Guide

What is a Lead Funnel?

Lead funnels are a powerful strategy for attracting prospective customers by offering them something they will find valuable in exchange for their email address.Our approach is to provide customers with high-quality content, such as free eBooks or trials, to help them better understand our brand. We then use email marketing to maintain regular contact with them, providing insight into our latest offerings. The best part is that it’s completely organic and ad free.
We’ll walk you through an example lead magnet we’ve made to demonstrate the process in action.
Initial funnel showing Olson's jeans free sewing guide

Above you can see how we offered a quality stitching techniques Ebook as a PDF downloadable

What is a Lead Funnel?

Lead funnels are a powerful strategy for attracting prospective customers by offering them something they will find valuable in exchange for their email address.

Our approach is to provide customers with high-quality content, such as free eBooks or trials, to help them better understand our brand. We then use email marketing to maintain regular contact with them, providing insight into our latest offerings. The best part is that it’s completely organic and ad free.

Initial funnel showing Olson's jeans free sewing guide
*We’ll walk you through an example lead magnet we’ve made to demonstrate the process in action.
Olson's jeans upsell page showing a short video and cotton reels

Following the email exchange… we then provide the viewer with a ‘one-time’ offer with access to a kit that will fit directly pair with their newly downloaded Ebook

Qualifying Buyers

At this stage, we can observe the funnel taking shape. In our example, we included a product upsell page after the prospect has clicked on the call to action style “send me the book now” button. This provides an excellent opportunity to introduce a ‘hook’ product and encourage the customer to join your value ladder.

In case the customer chooses not to purchase at this point, there is still an increased chance of making a sale in the future. To capitalize on this, having an engaging email newsletter is crucial to keep prospective customers engaged and grow their interest in your brand.

Olson's jeans upsell page showing a short video and cotton reels

Qualifying Buyers

At this stage, we can observe the funnel taking shape. In our example, we included a product upsell page after the prospect clicked on the call to action style “send me the book now” button. This provides an excellent opportunity to introduce a ‘hook’ product and encourage the customer to join your value ladder.

In case the customer chooses not to purchase at this point, there is still an increased chance of making a sale in the future. To capitalize on this, having an engaging email newsletter is crucial to keep prospective customers engaged and grow their interest in your brand.

Order Bump

We included an ‘order bump’ feature for customers who opt to purchase our upsell product. By incorporating this, we offer hyperactive buyers a comprehensive video detailing our coaching process and the benefits they can attain from it. Additionally, customers who are not interested can opt to proceed directly to checkout.

We make it a point to segment our email newsletter and include these customers separately, allowing us to customize and recommend products that match their interests. Our aim is to provide our customers with the best possible user experience and offer tailored services that cater to their individual needs.

Interested In Other Types of Funnels? View our guide on the PDF Ebook funnel here.

Example of olson's jeans lead funnel with purple background

If they decide to purchase the Kit in the one-time offer, we then provide the buyer with more opportunities to learn via a direct coaching opportunity at a discount 

Example of olson's jeans lead funnel with purple background

Order Bump

We included an ‘order bump’ feature for customers who opt to purchase our upsell product. By incorporating this, we offer hyperactive buyers a comprehensive video detailing our coaching process and the benefits they can attain from it. Additionally, customers who are not interested can opt to proceed directly to checkout.

We make it a point to segment our email newsletter and include these customers separately, allowing us to customize and recommend products that match their interests. Our aim is to provide our customers with the best possible user experience and offer tailored services that cater to their individual needs.

Interested In Other Types of Funnels? View our guide on the PDF Ebook funnel here.

Get Your Custom Funnel

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more about the effectiveness of lead funnels. We would be glad to provide you with additional information and answer any questions you may have about creating your own.

We'll create your ground up, custom funnel

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